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Construction Committee Apr 3 08
Library Construction Committee
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Town Hall

Present from the Library Construction Committee:  Kelly Collins, Pam Czekanski, Brent Gates, Roland Ochsenbein, Mickie Simpson, John Rodenhiser, Chris Rogers

Absent: Joel Lindsay, Bill Strapko.

Present from Daedalus: Richard Marks

Present from Garcia Galuska DeSousa: Christopher Garcia

Present from Lerner Ladds + Bartels: Aimee Lombardo, Drayton Fair

Present from L+A Landscape Architects: Chris Macfarlane

Also present: Ann Hurd (Main St.), Bob Zak (Wilder Rd.)

Roland called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m.

Minutes of March 20, 2008 were approved (motion: John; second, Chris; unanimous in favor).

Invoices received include the following:  Daedalus Projects Inc., #2896-080316, $5,000; Lerner Ladds + Bartels, #05-0722, $22,500 ; and UTS of Massachusetts, #34539, $5,150.  Total is $27,655.  

Richard announced the following:
·       The library project is on the Zoning Board of Appeals’ calendar on May 13 at 7 p.m. We are applying for variances on two items: 1) height (the design is 3’6” higher building than is allowed by local zoning regulations); and 2) setback where the two plots of town-owned land meet at the stone wall (the reference bump-out is over the 20’ allowed).  The Town of Bolton is the “Owner” so the Board of Selectmen signed the application.  Committee should plan to attend this hearing.  The Town Planner has requested that alternatives be presented at the meeting.  For up to 100 days after the hearing, citizens have the right to appeal.  There is no impact on going out to bid except on getting a building permit.  According to Chris Garcia, parking and lot coverage will not require variances, as the project is in a residential zone.
·       Richard obtained 3 proposals from water consultants to help us with DEP application (GS Environmental ($17,658.50); McClure Engineering ($21K); and Tighe and Bond ($33K).) Richard recommends hiring GS Environmental and splitting cost 50/50 with the Public Safety Building.  The Public Safety committee will meet and vote next week.  Richard has passed all related information to Jodi. This consulting is within our budget.   John Rodenhiser moved to enter into a contract with GS Environmental (second, Chris; unanimous in favor).
·       Richard is setting up a voluntary meeting with the Planning Board.  That board meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, and can usually meet with a week’s notice.  The committee recommended meeting with the Planning Board before the Zoning Board of Appeals.  Kelly will contact the Town Planner to see if Planning can meet on Wednesday, April 30.
·       Richard will set up a meeting with the Historic Commission.  Ann Hurd, who was also present, advised the architects to prepare for this meeting by researching the history of the materials the committee has chosen.

From 7:20-8:20 p.m. the committee joined the Board of Selectmen at their meeting for a discussion of the sewer force main.  Refer to Board of Selectmen’s minutes for details.

At 8:20 p.m. the Committee resumed its business meeting.

Chris Macfarlane of L+A Landscape Architects in Providence assisted Drayton with presentation of the following parking schemes:
·       Grid: 33 total spaces; minor modifications to angles, curves; now maintaining six spaces on the east side; 2 different pavement colors—pavers in front, with some asphalt to west; reading garden outside; handicapped accessible sidewalk all around; plant specifics not available at this time; parking adjacent to building was removed as it’s “detrimental to the arrival experience”; broken up by 2 levels of planting and breaks in pavement; lower plantings in island and a grid of trees to provide shade and diminish mass and reflection of parking lot; dense buffer to the west.  Pavers (not cobblestones) can be plowed easily.  Bollards may be included, but this design does not include curbs. The committee expressed concern about the ability to plow the lot with trees in the locations shown.
·       Loop: 30 total spaces; east spaces retained; garden moved to space near entrance; sidewalks all around; larger buffer.
·       Hybrid: a grid with additional reading garden space near the entrance.  Sidewalk out to edge of pavement; garden near 1903 building could be built now or added later.

Mickie questioned the architects as to why at least one of the presented landscaping schemes did not keep all the parking on one side of the building, making it look as good as possible given the desired number of parking spaces of around 34, and possibly reconfiguring the last plan and adding a few closer to 117 to allow for more landscaping in the form of an island.~ Exploration of this “all on the west side” option had been requested by the committee at the last meeting, in addition to some options with parking on both sides, but the parking schemes shown at this meeting -- with landscaping incorporated for the first time -- were for parking on both sides.~ Mickie further explained that she objected to parking on both sides of the building for two reasons: 1) it surrounded the building with parking and impinged on keeping at least the east side in a more pleasant condition for viewing and using the grounds, and 2) she was concerned that putting a substantial portion of the parking on the front and east side of the building might compromise any future application for a handicapped accessibility variance on the original entrance. ~Ann Hurd and John Rodenhiser disagreed with these comments. ~Ann reminded those present that abutters to the west are very concerned with buffering the impact of parking on that side.

Drayton noted that his intention is for parking in front and to the east to be overflow parking, and there could be signage to indicate this.

The Loop concerned both Pam and Kelly.  Pam stated that this scheme would be difficult for pedestrians to navigate unless a walkway could be installed around the outer perimeter.  Kelly’s concern is that the loop encourages speeding and doesn’t solve the problem of drivers using the library parking area as a turnaround for Main St.

After discussion, John moved that the committee approve the Grid plan; 2nd: Chris; YES: John, Kelly, Pam, Chris; NO: Mickie, Roland; Abstention: Brent. Ann Hurd noted that, as an abutter, she favors the Loop scheme.

Discussion moved to the latest iteration of the floor plans. Changes since last time are as follows:
·       interior vestibule door has been moved inward
·       janitor closet door has been reoriented
·       childrens’ desk and office have been reconfigured to maximize volumes in the childrens’ area, making office and desk contiguous and location near the center of the upper floor for visibility to the YA and adult fiction areas.
·       PC desks will likely be added in the story/craft room
·       A book drop will be added to the childrens’ desk.

Anne Larsen has requested a meeting with the full team.  This will be on April 17 starting at 7 p.m. Anne is still concerned about visibility around the entrance/lobby/program room area.  The architects will explore ways to improve this.

On Tuesday, April 1 Drayton and Kelly met Betsy Ricciarelli of Lucas Stefura Interiors. She will likely take a lead role on interior design (furniture selection, colors, carpets, working w/the architects on millwork).  This is a new concept for LL+B so details are in process.  The Committee can expect a proposal from Lucas Stefura at our next meeting.  Kelly thanked Drayton for being open to the idea of using another firm for interiors.  Lucas Stefura is responsible for interiors at Groton and Leominster libraries, among others.

May 9 is our target to complete Design Development.  Richard noted that this phase includes detailing what’s already been presented, including working out historic aspects of the roof and windows, structural systems, mechanical and electrical systems. Ideally the project will be out to bid on July 22, and the construction contract awarded on September 3.  The library will close and move to temporary quarters during the month of August.

Richard received no comments from committee members on systems proposals from GGD.  He recommends adopting the induction system given as Option 5.  There is a similar system in Maine that he will try to visit, and another in Plymouth, Massachusetts. GGD is comfortable with this system and has a half-dozen in design.  Recommending this system are its lower capital cost, space advantages, and smaller ducts.  Geothermal was an option but Richard  doesn’t support it; this is based on his personal experience as well as local site-related challenges about wells, water, and the estimated 20-year payback.   Richard suggested writing a memo to the Town outlining why geothermal wasn’t selected.  Bob Zak, who was also present, noted that geothermal could be installed in the future.  Richard also supports installing a PV system on the roof.  We will mention this to the Board of Appeals even though it the panels don’t count as part of the building height.  Aimee will check to see if safety rails have to be included for those who will clean or otherwise service the panels.  Pam moved to proceed with Option 5 and PV, and to apply to the MA Technology Collaborative for grant funding for the latter (second: Roland; unanimous in favor).

Kelly noted the receipt of a letter from Kathleen Bartels discussing an audit of Lerner Ladds + Bartels, and an unpaid invoice.   Since the invoice date and the closing date of the audit are the same (12/31/07), it is likely the invoice was paid the following month.  Committee minutes show that we approved payment of this invoice at our meeting on January 10, 2008.  Kelly will ask the Town Accountant and Treasurer to respond to Ms. Bartels’ inquiry.

The committee viewed the exterior and voted on the use of a design element deemed a “flair.” Two committee members favor the flair; three said no flair; and two abstained.

Mickie asked the architects to price natural stone on the pavilion.  Richard will follow up, and this will be priced as an add alternate in the Design Development estimate.

Next meeting is April 17 at 7 p.m.  The following meeting as tentatively set for Wednesday, April 30 in conjunction with the Planning Board presentation.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:28 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly Collins
Director of the Library